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Sunday, 26 August 2012

Caprese Salad

  • "Insalata Caprese" (salad in the style of Capri) is a simple and straight-forward salad from the Italian region of Campania, made of sliced fresh buffalo mozarella, tomatoes and basil, seasoned with salt, and olive oil. In Italy, unlike most salads, it is usually served as an antipasto (starter).

    While it's unknown whether the salad actually originated on Capri, it became popular after being served there to the jet-setting
    King Farouk of Egypt during the 1950s.

For this dish you will need:
150g  fresh mozarella (buffalo mozarella if you find it)
150g  baby tomatoes
1/2 cup minced yellow onions
1 cup julienned fresh basil
cream of balsamic vinegar
olive oil (lemon olive oil if you find it)

Start by cutting your tomatoes in round slices then do the same thing for the mozarella.
Mince your onions and put them on the side. julienne your fresh basil leaves and reserve them for the end.

Dressing of the plate:

You can pretty much use any type of flat serving dish for this one, like a big plate for example. 
Start by placing your sliced mozarella and tomatoes around the edge of the plate and make circles of alternating lines of mozarella and tomatoes until you fill your whole plate. Sprinkle over your creation your minced yellow onions and the julienned basil leaves. Take your olive oil and take care to pour a thin run of olive oil over each circle of tomato/mozarella. Apply the same process with the cream of balsamic vinegar. Salt and pepper to taste and voilà!

I hope you try this recipe and adopt it as a summer trend.

Bon Appétit!

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